22 de setembro de 2009

You're like needing glasses

Em Anatomia de Grey, duas médicas envolvem-se. A Erica começa a descobrir a sua sexualidade e, depois de uma noite com a Callie, declara-se da forma mais entusiástica possível.

Erica: This is like needing glasses.
Callie: I blinded you?
Erica: No...when I was a kid, I would get these head aches, and I went to the doctor and they said that I needed glasses. I didn't understand that--it didn't make sense to me because I could see fine. And then I get the glasses, and I put them on, and I'm in the car on the way home and suddenly I yell...because the big green blobs I had been staring at my whole life, they weren't big green blobs--they were leaves...on trees. I could see the leaves. And I didn't even know I was missing the leaves--I didn't even know that leaves existed! And then...leaves!...You are glasses.

2 estrelinhas:

Sadeek disse...

Já há amor lesbiano na "anatomia"!?!? Isto é que é evolução.....


Cristina disse...

Para que vejas, meu amigo, onde é que o mundo chegou... à Anatomia de Grey :D


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